Over the last couple of years, people worldwide have become more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Because of this, fitness has become a trend for millions of people, leading to a rapid increase in the size and popularity of the global fitness industry. Even though the vast majority of people now live more sedentary lives, an increasing number of individuals opt for a more proactive lifestyle; the benefits are plenty and well-known.

According to Statista, the fitness center industry's market size was $87.23 billion in 2019. It is essential to remember that this number includes the combined value of all gyms, fitness clubs, and fitness centers worldwide (as in all the locations that provide customers with the necessary infrastructure to carry out their physical workouts). This should help answer the common question of β€œhow big is the fitness industry.”

There are 174 million club members worldwide. Hence, this market is worth billions of dollars. The number of clubs worldwide is growing, making it easier for people in remote areas to work out and improve their physical and mental well-being. Despite the recent growth, most of the world’s people are not fitness club members.

However, it is essential to mention that several countries with large populations lack sports-related infrastructure. Even in well-developed countries, there are numerous regions with much smaller population densities, highlighting why fitness clubs are lacking here. On the other hand, according to the latest fitness industry trends, many people in developing countries still need to afford a fitness club membership. In contrast, there are numerous regions where such clubs do not exist. Keep in mind that many people partake in physical exercise but would instead do so at home or in a park; they do not feel the need for a paid fitness infrastructure.

The global gym industry was worth $96.7 billion in 2020, with more than 184 million gym members in total (Policy Advice). 2020 is a testament to the growing gym industry trends, where the global gym industry is worth $96.7 billion.

From a revenue standpoint, the fitness and health industries are growing at a rate of 8.7% per year (Wellness Creatives). As such, 8.7% of extra revenue is generated annually by all global fitness facilities. This additional market growth might contribute to developing other fitness-related products and services. This doesn’t dictate that prices are rising β€” more people are willing to join the fitness industry due to health and body image concerns. After all, the benefits associated with living an active lifestyle have been analyzed and proven in various scientific studies and experiments. Those with active lifestyles can expect fewer health problems, while studies indicate that a longer lifespan can also be achieved. Fitness enthusiasts can also expect mental health improvements and more energy daily.

Based on everything that has been outlined thus far, statistics clearly show that people all across the world are keener on exercising now more than ever. This has led to a booming increase in the fitness industry's market size and the overall number of gyms and fitness club members worldwide. The actual impact on the health of the worldwide population is difficult to determine, seeing how the gym trend has only become popular in developed countries. In less developed countries, many people have started taking up sports-related hobbies, such as football, baseball, tennis, jogging, and yoga.

Luckily, future fitness industry growth can be further stimulated, as there are numerous development opportunities throughout Latin America, Asia, and Africa. It is believed that, soon, the worldwide value of the fitness market will exceed the $100 billion threshold. This is an important consideration worth pondering if you decide to open your own fitness club. After all, in most cases, intelligent investment in the health and fitness industry is bound to generate a positive ROI, as the number of people keen on exercising is actively growing.

Lastly, it is essential to note that other health and fitness education is also needed to spread more awareness of the (positive) impact regular exercise has on the body. It is also essential for NGOs, governments, and local authorities to guarantee that the whole exercise infrastructure is offered locally, outside of the paid fitness industry, to ensure that individuals with much lower incomes have the opportunity to exercise as well.

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